Google Chrome Beta 55

Google Chrome Beta

The updated Google Chrome Beta 55.0.2883.21
Flexible effects and improve page load performance
The latest beta version of Chrome include the new features of the JavaScript language, improved safety and a large number of API tweak.
The dynamic objects specified by the path
Previously, the dynamic object is assigned a path requires complex JavaScript code, can block important events such as rendering and input. The current developers can animate any graphic object does the same path as the one declared arbitrary CSS properties, allowing simple code without rendering and input block.
Optimize and improve image download ServiceWorker.
Tools like srcset allows developers to provide a variant optimized image, but it is quite cumbersome and inefficient to use in practice. Developers can negotiate with the server to download the best image variations for devices using simple HTTP. The DPR communication title, Viewport-Width and width of the image screen is expected to be uploaded to the server resources.
In addition, developers can collect the charge time and a detailed script, as well as startup time measurements more accurate Service Workers.
Other updates in this version
As part of ongoing efforts to deliver Chrome from ES2015 features, Chrome now supports operator and spread.
To protect users against nuisance and battery power, Chrome will automatically delay the opening video in background tabs until the first tab is proposed.
Developers can now disable scrolling behavior default recovery in navigation history when it affects the app experience.
The site can specify the source for Chrome connected before to improve performance.
The site is open from home screen can change the default color of Chrome's interface, by specifying a color theme to appear in the site instead of a meta tag.
The site was added to the main screen can be set to display a background color while loading the resources.
The server can specify the valid certificate for authentication in an HTTP session using Public Key Pinning, making the attack Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) becomes more difficult.
The events generated by the actions of the users can be distinguished from events generated by script using Event.isTrusted (), which allows developers against fake clicks.
Developers can use CSS.escape () to replace the complex escape sequences while processing the identifier is created by the user.
Modal dialogs (modal dialog) is blocked by default in Ifrane sandboxed, blocking content from the API embedded bad as warning.
The site can set an attribute allows content iframe sandbox to open an unlimited number of windows.
Continue to remove the native API unsafe, Cache API is limited to HTTPS.
Support Cache.addAll () to remove the necessity of polyfill allows a large number of interactions with the cache.
Fetch API support.
Allowing more control over the redirection of Request.redirect.
DOMExceptions can be built from the script, making the building more easily polyfill, for exceptional technical demands.
DevTools have a better tool tip and custom network configuration.
Timing Resource extensions available to interface Performance.
Poll based on time without using WebRTC DataChannels, thus helping to improve the efficiency and convenience.
Request.context was removed.
Internal size attribute CSS allows the boxes fit its content.